Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sunny Day

   Looks like the storm is holding off, so there's some great, sunny weather. I biked home and enjoyed the coolness of the summer wind at my back. As soon as I got home, I grabbed my camera and headed down the street to take some pictures while the weather is great. I gripe a lot about this being the country, but the scenery and colors really are great.

   I don't go down this road very often (this was only the second time!), so I haven't seen this view much. You can see my apartment (the Hyatt Regency, amusingly enough) and Mount Akagi in the background. The mountains completely dominate the landscape here and I love them.

   On the way back to my apartment, I noticed that there was a wheelbarrow resting on a hillock, completely overgrown by plants...

   A nice Fujimi view with the city of Maebashi in the background. Looking at it in this picture, it's so small... I almost can't believe that I can bike down there in 20-30 minutes. You can see more of those great mountains in the background. I'm probably going to miss the mountains the most if I ever go back to America for good.


My Fujimi Life © 2008